Sargent Center provides a full complement of services to assist LEAs with meeting responsibilities to evaluate, diagnose, and treat students with differing needs including physical, cognitive, behavioral and medical challenges.
Sargent Center's Educational Programs & Services include pre-school through high school with a strong emphasis on transition and vocational programing for school to community planning.
Diagnostic Evaluations include Outpatient Services and short-term diagnostic evaluation placements.
Sargent Center's professional staff include certified regular and special education teachers, all related service personnel, BCBA and supporting Behavior Techs, full time nursing services on campus (RN, CNA), certified special education administrators, and a staff of teacher assistants.
Sargent Center works directly with LEAs to ensure all federal and state regulatory entitlements are provided to children with disabilities and their families. Our programs are state approved and undergo all state licensing and monitoring for compliance. Our staff undergo extensive pre-hiring screening and are required to attend ongoing professional development post hire. Our programs regularly receive high praise from families, professionals, local school districts and community organizations.
Complete our School Referral Form to get started.
For more information, please contact Amanda Florio, M. Ed., at (401) 886-6628 or [email protected]